Thursday 10 October 2013

For people like me there is no such thing as peace.

You just can't have peace when every kind of problem is running around your mind. You heave to plan every little detail of your life. Minute by minute your anxiety gets increased by "normal" things and no one can understand why you keep getting in panic every time... I really don't know what is worse: the situation itself (all the kind of weird feelings and the panic) or the people behaviour when you try to explain that almost  nothing in a normal "social behaviour" makes sense and everything makes you crazy...


First of all: sorry for my english, it is not my native language.

This is just my attempt to put in only one place all my daily notes about my not so normal life... Dont't expect a super fancy and cool blog. I am sorry for that. . I will try to post some notes every day and I just can't promise that they will make any kind of sense for all of you... I hope this might help people to understand this crazy minds that some of us have...